Thursday, September 15, 2005

Word on the Street....

Okay this a posting of the things...overheard, rumored and believed on the street... I cannot vouch for how accurate it is and this is strictly gossip, rumor or neighborhood myths.

Word has it...
*That Felipe Luciano staff members beat up Gary Stopper of John Ruiz's staff a few weeks ago, in an altercation over street signs. rumor has it that one of Felipes guys sucker punched Gary for disrespecting one of Felipes staff members

*That some of Felipe Luciano's campaigners pulled a gun on a elderly man who is one of Nelson Dennis supporter.

* That Joyce Johnson is a one shot deal...since she lost the election she will not return to the public arena

* I can confirm this, Felipe Luciano had a minor riot break out on Weds the 14th when campaigners were told that they wouldnt be paid until thrursday. I personally saw several angry people kick the gates of Felipes offices on East 116th.


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