Tuesday, September 20, 2005

DHCR Public Hearing

The State of New York will conduct public hearings to obtain citizencomments on New York State's draft Consolidated Plan which covers thefollowing four federal housing programs: the Community Development BlockGrant Small Cities Program; the HOME Investment Partnership Program; theHousing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program; and the EmergencyShelter Grants Program.The public hearings will be held during a comment period, beginningSeptember 19, 2005 and ending October 18, 2005 and will be held at allfour the DHCR Offices listed on each of the following dates & times: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 10:00 am - Noon Tuesday, September 27, 2005 -- 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmNYS DHCR NYS DHCRHampton Plaza Ballroom A&E Conference Room 642, 6th fl38-40 State Street 25 Beaver StreetAlbany, NY 12207 New York, NY 10004NYS DHCR NYS DHCR
Suite 600 - 6th Floor 2nd Floor - Wing D107 Delaware Avenue 800 South Wilbur AvenueBuffalo, NY 14202 Syracuse, NY 13204If needed, more time will be made available at each public hearing.Accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made available atthepublic hearings upon request. Interpreters will also be available uponrequest to meet the needs of non-English speaking persons. Individualswho seek additional information regarding the hearings may call DHCR\'stoll-free number, 1-866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427).Space may be limited in some locations: persons planning to attend ahearing must pre-register by calling 1-866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427) orsendingan e-mail to DHCRConPln@dhcr.state.ny.us. Speakers will be limited tofive (5) minutes of testimony. Attendees must present a driver\'slicenseor other government-issued photo ID upon entry.All speakers are urged to provide a written copy of their testimony.Individuals who are unable to attend may submit comments to NYS DHCR,Attention: Brian McCarthy, 38-40 State Street, Albany, NY 12207, ore-mailthem to DHCRConPln@dhcr.state.ny.us. Written comments must bepostmarkedno later than October 18, 2005.


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